GST/HST “holiday”
This is a pretty useful read. I generally don’t read opinion pieces because they’re generally hyperbolic gibberish, but this article actually has some decent info in it.
When I heard about this tax holiday plan, my brain went to the tactical aspects of it. How do millions of Canadian businesses reprogram their POS to remove tax from an arbitrary list of items? And is that list even specific enough to avoid arguments on the til?
Then I became aware that for HST provinces, the holiday would remove the provincial portion of the tax. I don’t know how those provinces are supposed to make up literally millions, if not billions, of tax dollars. And how can it be legal for the federal government to just cut that money off with no discussion or recourse?
I’ve voted Liberal or NDP my entire adult life, but even I am having trouble with the ill-conceived stuff coming out of Trudeau’s office these days.
my shorter content on the fediverse: